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Spanish-English & English-Spanish



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OF general dictionaries there are many ; of technical ones giving the principal words employed in each industry there are enough. It is generally the words that are missing that are wanted. Because they are rare they are omitted in those larger books, and for precisely the same reason they are sought by the man who is dealing with a people of another tongue.

The railway world is no longer satisfied with books that contain so much irrelevant matter. The engineer, the contractor, the manager not only require a dictionary of convenient size with all those words eliminated which relate to other industries, but one also supplemented by that host of words which have of late arisen, following closely, one upon another, apace with the accelerating advance of railway work carried on by British enterprise in so many parts of South America.

While discontented humanity is concentrated in the large and crowded towns and over-populated districts at home, and struggling, so to speak, for standing room, the far-seeing and enterprising railway man is throwing out his lines over the boundless expanse of rich and fertile lands of South America, laying the tracks over which to speed progress, and opening up a smiling country of promise to the enthusiasm of ambition and youth, as well as to the victims of excessive competition who go forth to start life anew.

There was a time when railways branched out to serve the village which had risen to some importance : first the town, then the railway. Now things have changed ; the railway man comes first with his main lines, and where he plants his stations there grow villages and towns.

But in his work he is handicapped by a foreign tongue. Scores of things given technical terms, well understood at home, have



been given totally different names by the Spanish-speaking engineer ; and both words are equally new, since the things they represent are recent innovations.

I am therefore proud to help in this beneficial work by pro- viding a dictionary exclusively devoted to interpreting words and terms that concern railway enterprise the details of the laying of the line, the rolling-stock, from its trucks and wagons to its luxurious dining cars, and the stations with their hotels, garages, and dependencies.

I think it will not only be useful in the opening up of new lines and in the exceptional case of litigation, but in the everyday work of the office, where the engineer, correspondent, and clerk will find it an indispensable accessory on their desks.

I have to thank those, well-known in the railway world, who have urged me to take this work in hand ; for though the labour was long and tedious, I am assured it was necessary and will be appreciated.

In gathering together all the latest railway terms, I have consulted the most important works issued in this country and abroad dealing with railway construction and management, and am indebted to Dr. Schlomann and to several engineers in South America for their courtesy, as well as to my publishers for supplying me with much useful matter.


August^ 1912.

Note. The Author has included the special terms which he found in use in Cuba, Mexico, and South America, and which differ from those in use in Spain.


Abandonar un vagon, 6 dejar un vagon . . To detach a coach

Abandono de un vagon Detachment of a coach

Abertura, perforation Drilling, boring, piercing

de la aguja Throw off the point

de carga Loading or feed-opening

del corazon, espacio entre la punta del Gap in the crossing or frog corazon y las patas de liebre

de descarga de las crecidas Flood opening

libre Span, clear width

de la lumbrera Port opening

del puente Bridge opening

de la puerta del hogar Fire hole

de pared lateral Opening in side planking

de paso libre Free passage opening

de ventilation Ventilation flap

de ventilation bilateral Double ventilation flap

6 boca del buzon Aperture for letters, letter-drop

del conducto de la lumbrera Port opening

del fuego por la action del tiro Breaking up of the fire by the draught

en el espejo del distribuidor Notch or groove in the valve-seat

en el recubrimiento del distribuidor . . Notch or groove in the valve-flange Abolladura exterior Pressed out or embossed seating

de la placa tubular Bulging of the tube plate

Abordar las vias de cargamento con el To place the vessel in position with the

ponton transbordador landing rails for transhipment

Abrazadera Shrunk on collar

de estano Tin sleeve

s separadas, tornillo de graduation .... Adjusting device consisting of two turn- buckles

de suspension Reservoir-strap or carrier

de tope Stop or check piece, spring socket

para el tubo flexible Hose clamp

Abrazar el alambre de trabajo To grip the contact wire

Abre-puerta neumatico del hogar Pneumatic fire-door opener

Abrir las cabezas de los durmientes 6 de To cut or notch the top of the sleeper or

las traviesas tie

con el mandril la cabeza de la riostra To drift the stay bolt

sin corriente Opening on broken circuit, no-current


el enganche To release or to disengage the coupler or


una galeria To drive a heading

la serial To pull down the signal, to display the


Acarreo, transporte Conveying, hauling, raising

6 transporte a cielo abierto Conveying above ground

por las galerias Hauling through adit

Acceso a los andenes sin atravesar los Access to platforms without crossing the

carriles rails



Acceso por medio de carriles montados Extension of turntable by means of rails

sobre rodillos running on rollers

a la placa giratoria por medio de una Annular extension of turn-table pieza anular

de la placa giratoria por medio de Extension of turn-table by means of bogias bogie- trucks

Accesorios del alambre de trabajo Trolley or contact- wire equipment

de la caldera Boiler fittings

del cilindro Cylinder fittings

diversos Sundry accessories

del freno Westinghouse en la loco- Engine or locomotive equipment of motora Westinghouse brake

de junta Joint fittings

de la llnea Line equipment

para el alumbrado electrico de los Accessories for the electric lighting of trenes trains

del poste Pole fittings

de la via, pequeno material Small iron fittings for the permanent way

Accidente de explotacion Accident

Acci6n de avanzar el asiento de una fila Leading

de carriles

combinada triple (de tres cilindros in- Triple action dependientes)

compensadora Compensating action, buffer action

compensadora del aparato tensor Range of compensation

electrodinamica Electrodynamic action

de frenar, frenado Braking

de jalonear la linea Setting out or pegging out the line

de las masas en movimiento Action of masses in movement

de pasar un vag6n de la cabeza a la Reversing the position of a wagon or car cola de un tren

de la tobera de escape Action of blast pipe

de rebordear el durmiente 6 traviesa . . Curling up the sleeper

de saltar los frenos Brake release, releasing of the brake

de tensar 6 templar la transmisi6n . . . Tightening up the wire Accionamiento de la aguja Point-operating gear

por cable metalico Cable or wire rope drive

por ejes de rodamiento Turning gear acting upon the axles

electrico Electric drive

e!6ctrico de las agujas Electric working of the points

e!6ctrico de las sefiales Electric working of the signals

del freno Brake control

general General drive

hidraulico del transbordador Hydraulic drive of traverser or transfer


individual Individual, separate, or independent drive

y maniobra de la serial Signal operating mechanism

mecanico Mechanical drive

mecanico 6 por motor Mechanical turning-gear

por grupos Group drive

por medio de corona dentada Rack and pinion drive

por palancas cruzadas Tongs actuating mechanism

de la serial con marcha en vacio Signal-operating mechanism with idle


Aceite de alquitran, creosota Coal-tar oil, creosote

bruto Crude oil

de colza Colza oil, rape oil

mineral Mineral oil

pesado Crude oil

Aceitera Lubricating oil-can or feeder

Acelerador Accelerator

Acepilladura del carril de apoyo Undercutting of the stock-rail

Acumulaci6n 6 monton de nieve Accumulation of snow

Accra de carga , Cart road

de carga de forma dentada Side-loading platform

de carga en zigzag Serrated-loading platform


Acero para carriles Rail steel

Acetileno Acetylene gas

Achaflanar To chamfer or bevel the edge

las aristas del carril To chamfer, to bevel off the edges

Acido carbonico liquido Liquid carbonic acid

Acoplamiento de la aguja Coupling of the tongues or switch-blade,

force rod

de las agujas Coupling of the points

ciego 6 falso Dummy coupling

Clayton Clayton or universal pipe coupling

combinado Combined coupling

con resistencia y variation del campo Combined resistance connection magn6tico, acoplamiento combinado . .

de calefaccion con desembrague auto- Automatic release coupling matico

electrico de los brazos de semaforos 6 Electric coupling of signal arms de senales

de gancho caedizo Hardy or catch-hook pipe coupling

de grapas articuladas para curvas Movable claw or jaw coupling

de la cuerda de la serial Communication-cord coupling

de las mangueras Hose-pipe coupling

de las puertas de las barreras Barrier coupling

de los conductores de la serial Coupling for communication cable

de los ejes Coupling of axles

de los manipuladores Coupling of the keys

de tres conductores Three-wire coupling

de tuberia de calefaccion Heating hose coupling

del tubo de alimentation Feed-pipe coupling

delante del quitapiedras Cow-catcher or pilot coupler

distribuidor Distribution head, high

en cascada Cascade connection

en paralelo de maquinas de corriente Connecting alternators in parallel or in alterna multiple paralleling alternators

en serie Series connection

en serie y paralelo . . - Series-parallel connection

gradual Step connection

metalico de los f renos Metallic pipe coupling

para vehiculos de vias de anchuras Narrow and broad-gauge combination diferentes coupler

por palancas paralelas Parallel-lever connection

provisorio Transitory or combination coupling

reversible delante del quitapiedras . . . Reversible pilot coupler

unicamente con resistencia Simple resistance connection

Acoplar los motores en serie To connect motors in series

el mecanismo de sujecion con el en- To couple the relieving gear with the clavamiento locking gear

rigidamente To couple rigidly

Activar la combustion Drawing or blowing up the fire

Acuerdo 6 sentencia de expropiacion .... Decision as regards expropriation

Acumulaci6n del agua Storage of water

de nieve Accumulation of snow

Acumulador de aire comprimido Compressed air accumulator

de aluminio Aluminium cell or accumulator

de carga rapida Quick-charging accumulator

de gran superncie Accumulator with plates of large surface

hidraulico Hydraulic accumulator

neumatico Compressed air receiver or accumulator

de plomo Lead accumulator

Acumuladores suministran toda la energia Accumulators take over the total supply

Acunado de seguridad de la barra de Cotter fastening for drawbar


Adelanto de otro tren Passing of trains, trains overtaking each


Adelgazamiento de la pestana Sharpening of the flange

Adherente Adhesion or adhesive

Adici6n de un vag6n Putting on of a coach or vehicle


Adjudication directa de los trabajos Direct giving of contract

de los trabajos a un contratista Submission of work to a contractor

Administraci6n Administration

de los caminos de hierro Railway administration

Admision Admission

anticipada Admission-lead, outside lap

aparente Apparent cut-off

creciente Increasing cut-off

decreciente Decreasing cut-off

del vapor Steam admission

efectiva Actual cut-off

interior Inside admission

media Mean cut-off

subsiguiente en el cilindro de alta After-admission into the high-pressure presion cylinder

Admisiones correspondientes Simultaneous admissions or cut-offs

Adoquin, bordillo Curb, platform coping

de borde Nose block

Adoquinado de base Bottoming, bottom pitching

6 empedrado irregular Random paving

en seco Dry-bottoming, dry pitching

Adoquinar 6 empedrar la via To fix the rail in the pavement

Adquisicion directa de los terrenos Direct buying of ground

del terreno Purchase or acquisition of land

Aduana Customs yard

Afirmado Pavement (Argentine)

Aflojamiento del alambre Slacking of wire

del niicleo del balasto To loosen or break-up the core

de la tuerca por la vibration Slackening or loosening of the nut due to


de los virotillos Loosening of the stay-bolts

Aflojar la cuerda del freno To loosen or slacken the brake cord

Agarrador Handle

Agente de la policia de los caminos de Railway policeman


Agitador Sand stirrer

Agrietado de la madera Splitting of the wood

Agrupamiento 6 conexion de las lam paras Connections of incandescent lamp


Agua de alimentation Feed water

blanda Soft water

en la caldera Water in boiler

condensada Condensation water

caliente Hot water

depurada Purified water

dulce Soft water

dura 6 cruda Hard water

natural Natural water

potable Drinking water

de refrigeration para los frenos Brake-cooling water

salada Salt water, brine

superficial 6 a cielo abierto Open water, open watercourses or streams

Aguja abierta Open point or tongue

se abre por efecto de su flexion, la The tongue springs open

de acceso Ramp for climbing travelling platform

acodada Bent point or switch blade

aerea Aerial frog

aerea simetrica Equilateral frog

del alambre de trabajo Overhead frog

alojada en el hueco del carril de apoyo Tongue housed in stock-rail

que se aplica debajo de la cabeza del Tongue housed under the stock- rail carril fijo

de bifurcation Branching off points or switch, diverging


de cambio de via Switch-blade, tongue

de cebamiento Suction spindle


Aguja de cebamiento perforada Hollow suction spindle

cerrada Closed point or tongue

tomada de talon Facing points, facing-point switch

combinada Interlocked switch, switch worked from

signal box

concava en curva Double-curve points or switch for lines

curving in opposite directions

sin corazon Switch without crossing, frogless switch

de corriente trifasica Frog for three-phase line

de cremallera Rack switch

curva Curved tongue or point

en curva Double-curve point or switch

de descarrilamiento Derailing switch

de desdoblamiento Switch changing from single to double line

para el deposito Car-shed frog

doble Right and left-hand turn-off, double switch

double asimetrica Unsymmetrical double switch or points

double unilateral One-sided double switch

- donde se opera el lanzamiento Fly switch

para dos vias de anchura diferente . . . Mixed-gauge points or switch

elastica Spring tongue or point

de enlace Converging switch

que entra en el carril de apoyo Switch- tongue cutting into the stock- rail

extrema End switch

esta hendida, la The tongue is not home

- inclinada Inclined plane tongue

independiente Non-interlocked switch, outlying switch

movil Movable tongue or point

de quita y pon Turnover tongue

recta Straight tongue

de salida 6 extreme End switch

de seguridad Safety switch

sencilla Simple points or switch

sencilla a la derecha Right-hand turn-off

a la izquierda Left-hand turn-off, simple left-hand points

or switch

tomada de punta Trailing-points, trailing-point switch

tomada de ta!6n Facing-points, facing-point switch

de tres vias Three-way frog

para tubos Tube-running rod

de uni6n Converging switch

Agujero de contacto Contact hole

de engrase Oil-hole

en el borde del distribuidor Hole or bore in the valve edge

en el espejo 6 tabla del distribuidor . . . Bore-hole in the port face

de hombre Manhole

irregular Irregular or untrue shot-hole

perforado con barrena Bore-hole

de reglamento Adjusting pin-hole

de sondaje Prospect-hole or shaft

para el tornillo de la brida Fish-bolt hole, track-bolt hole

Aire comprimido Compressed air

Airear To air, to ventilate

Aislador acanalado Grooved insulator

de aceite Oil insulator

acostillado Ribbed insulator

de alambre de trabajo Trolley or contact- wire insulator

para alambre de amarra Anchor-wire insulator

para alambre tensor Span- wire insulator

de aletas 6 acostillado Ribbed insulator

para alta tensi6n Primary insulator

de anclaje 6 de amarra Strain insulator

de bola 6 esferico Globe insulator

de cable de suspension Insulator for messenger cable

de campana Bell insulator

c6nico Insulator cone


Aislador de consola con aislamiento doble Bracket insulator with double insulation

de consola con aislamiento sencillo . . . Bracket insulator with single insulation

para corriente de alta tension High-tension insulator

de curva Single pull-off

defectuoso Faulty insulator

de division Section insulator

doble Double insulator

de doble campana Double-shed or double-cup insulator

doble de hebilla Double buckle insulato

de dos ramas 6 brazos Double pull-off

de entrada Inlet insulator

con gancho de suspension Suspension insulator

de hebilla Buckle insulator

intermedio Intermediate insulator

interruptor Subdivision insulator

de Ifnea primaria Primary insulator

para minas Mine insulator

de nuez Nut insulator

de techo Ceiling hanger

tensor Strain insulator

de tunel Tunnel insulator

de vastago Rod insulator

de vastago de madera Wooden rod insulator

Aislamiento del carril Insulation of the third rail

Aislar de la tierra To insulate from earth or ground

Ajustar a un amperaje determinado To adjust for a certain current

la transmision To adjust the rodding or pipe line

Ajuste de las curvas Straightening of bends

de las curvas en caliente Hot straightening

de las curvas en frio Cold straightening

de la zapata del freno Adjustment of the brake block

de los enganches Tightening of the coupling

Ala del larguero Cheek of rack

superior corta Narrow- top flange

superior larga Wide-top flange

Alabeamiento del alma del carril Deformation or crippling of the web of the


Alabeo de la via Warping of the track

de la madera Warping of the wood

Alambre acanalado Grooved wire

adicional Additional wire

aislado con caucho Rubber-covered or insulated wire

de acero Steel wire

de acero estanado Galvanized steel wire

de aluminio Aluminium wire

de amarra 6 de retencion Anchoring wire

arrollado en espiral Spiral- wound wiie

de bronce Bronze wire

bronce silicioso Silicon-bronze wire

de cambio de via aereo Frog wire

de cobre dulce 6 recocido Soft copper wire

de cobre endurecido 6 estirado en frio Hard-drawn copper wire

de conexion de los carriles Wire rail-bond

de contacto Contact wire, trolley wire

flojo Slack wire

de hierro Iron wire

del inducido Armature conductor

de linea Trolley wire

longitudinal Longitudinal wire

de paso a lo largo del tren Bridging conductor

perfilado Wire of special cross section

perfilado piano Flat wire

6 hilo piloto Pilot wire

de protecci6n Guard wire, protective wire

redondo Round wire

de resistencia 6 de amarra Anchoring wire


Alambre de retorno Return wire

s se reunen, los The contact wires are joined

de seccion en forma de 8 Wire of figure 8 section, figure 8 wire

de soporte Carrying wire

suplementario Additional wire

de suspension Suspension wire

tendido 6 tirante Taut wire

tensor Span wire

transversal Cross wire

de trolley 6 de trabajo Trolley wire

Alargamiento del cable Stretching of the cable

de los enganches . . Stretching of the couplings, taking up the


en forma de rampa del transbordador . . Ramp extension of main track Albardilla Double incline

Albura Sapwood

Alcachofa 6 criba de aspiracion Suction rose

Alcance 6 portada de la pertiga de con- Radius or overhang of contact rod


de un tren a otro Overtaking of a train

Alcantarilla Culvert

abierta Open drain

abovedada Arched culvert

doble Double culvert

de hormigon Concrete culvert

de madera Wooden culvert

pequeiia Small culvert, gutter bridge

tubular Pipe culvert

Alcayata 6 escarpia Dog spike, rail spike

Alcusa con valvula Valve oil-can, feeder, oil-can with thumb- button

Alero Penthouse or overhanging roof

del larguero Overhang of longitudinal girders

Aleta del semaforo Semaphore arm, blade

Alfombra 6 estera de caucho India-rubber mat

6 estera de corcho Cork mat

o estera de crin Horsehair mat

Alicates Pliers

Alimentation de la caldera Boiler feeding

de la maquina de alumbrado con vapor Driving the dynamo by steam from the de la locomotora locomotive

de la maquina de alumbrado por medio Driving the dynamo by steam specially de una caldera separada generated

del fuego Firing, stoking

Alimentador Feeder

6 conductor de Feed or supply wire, leading-in wire

de ferrocarril electrico Electric railway feeder

Alimentar la caldera To feed the boiler

Alineacion de enlace 6 intermedia Straight between two curves

de la via Pegging out or staking the line

Almacen 6 deposito Storage, storage room, warehouse

6 deposito de carbon Coal-yard

Alineamiento del eje del tunel Laying out the tunnel axis

Aljibe, cisterna ...» Underground reservoir of masonry, a tank

Alma del carril Web of the rail

Almaciga Filling-up putty

Almohada Cushion, head-rest

Almohadilla de asbesto Blue asbestos mattress

de engrase Oil-pad or waste

de freno Stop block, brake shoe, or block

Almohadillado Upholstery, upholstered

Alojamiento para los topes Buffer recess

Alquitran Tar

de gas Gas tar

de hulla Coal tar

Alquitranar To tar


Alquitranar el agujero To tar the hole

Alta presion High pressure

presion admisible Maximum permissible pressure

Altar del hogar Fire bridge

Alternar las juntas To break joints

Altitud 6 altura sobre el nivel del mar . . Altitude, height above sea-level

Alto, parada Halt, stop

Altura del alambre del trabajo Height of contact wire above ground,

distance from trolley wire to head of


de aspiracion Suction head or lift

de la cabeza Height of head

de caida Height of delivery

de la caja Height of body

del carril Depth of the rail

de desgaste admisible del carril Wearing depth of the rail-head

del diente Depth of tooth

de elevation Total head

del eje de la caldera sobre el rail 6 riel Height of centre of boiler from rail

equivalente a la resistencia 6 al es- Loss in gradient due to curves f uerzo resistente

de impulsion 6 de presi6n Height of delivery, discharge head

de la inclination Height of double incline

interior Headway

del larguero Height of cheek

de los topes Buffer height

del material bateado Depth of packing or tamping

del tono Pitch of tone

del punto de sujecion Height of supporting point

de la sobrecarga Depth of bank over roof of culvert

del terraplen Height of embankment

total de la plataforma Construction depth

interior de la caja Interior height of body

Alud, avalancha Coming down of an avalanche, snow-slide

Alumbrado auxiliar electrico Auxiliary electric lighting

continue de los trenes Continuous lighting of trains

de aceite Oil lighting

directo Direct lighting

ele"trico de la estaci6n Electric lighting of a station

e!6ctrico individual de los coches Electric lighting of individual cars

el6ctrico de los trenes Electric lighting of trains

de la estacion Lighting of station

exterior Exterior or external lighting

de gas Gas lighting

indirecto 6 por reflexion Indirect lighting

interior Interior lighting

de techo Lighting from the ceiling or roof

mixto Mixed lighting

por acumuladores Lighting entirely by accumulators

por gas de hulla Lighting by means of coal gas

por bujias 6 velas Lighting with candles

Amarra, anclaje Anchorage

de aguja Switch span

al aislador de secci6n Section insulator span

de extremidad, retention terminal Terminal span

Amianto White asbestos

Amontonamiento de nieve Accumulation of snow

Amortiguador del ruido del vapor de Silencer, muffler


Amperaje 6 intensidad de desenganche . . . Releasing current

medio Mean value of the current

de regimen Working current

Amperimetro Ammeter

Amperio-hora Ampere-hour

Amperios-conductor Ampere-wire

vueltas Ampere-turns


Ancho del aro Width of tyre

de la cabeza Width of the head

de la caja Width of the body

de la carrilada Width of the flange, groove

de la corona Top width of the ballast

del diente de la rueda Width of cog or tooth

interior de las obras Span clear width

interior de la via Gauge, gage

Anadir 6 agregar un vagon To put on a coach or vehicle

Anchura de apoyo Width of bearing or of heat

de la guia del corazon Width between cheek-rail fence and run-

ning edge of crossing

de la parrilla 6 del enparrillado Width of grate

de la ranura \Vidth of slot

de los intersticios Width between fire-bars

en el talon Width of fiangeway clearance at heel of


de la via Gauge, gage

Ancla de cierre Locking device

de empotramiento Anchorage to rock

transversal Cross-anchoring

Anclado de la via Track-anchoring

Anclaje Anchorage

de la locomotora Safety-catch on vehicles

Andamiaje que soporta el revestimiento Shaft bottom, soldier frame

del pozo

Andamio para verter Tipping jetty

Anden Platform

de cabeza Transverse or end platform

cubierto Covered platform

de declive bilateral Platform inclined both ways

de declive unilateral Platform inclined one way

descubierto Open or uncovered platform

entre las vias 6 en U Platform extending between the lines

de entrevfa Island platform

de equipajes Luggage or baggage platform

exterior Side platform

en forma de cuna Island platform at junction

intermedio Island platform

de llegada Arrival platform

longitudinal Longitudinal platform

al nivel del suelo Platform gangway

principal Main platform

para recoger los billetes 6 boletos .... Ticket-collecting platform

de salida Departure platform

secundario Branch platform

de transbordo Transhipping platform

transversal Transverse or end platform

Anexo, dependencias Annexes, outbuildings

Angulo de abertura Angle through which the switch moves

de aplicacion Striking angle

de apoyo de la brida Fishing angle

de avance Angle of lead

del cambio Angle of crossing

en el centro Angle at the centre

de cruzamiento Angle of crossing

del bastidor Corner of framing

de desviacion de la boga Displacement of bogie, truck swing

descrito por la palanca Stroke of lever

de desplazamiento de fases Angle of phase displacement

de desviaci6n Angle of tongue with stock-rail

de discord ancia de fases Angle of phase displacement

de inclinaci6n Angle of gradient

de inclination del talud Angle of slope, gradient of slope

del poligono Angle of polygon

de reposo de los vehiculos Angle of rest of vehicles


Angulo en el talon de la aguja Angle of divergence at heel of tongue or


Anilla, ojo de horquilla Forked eye

roscada Eye bolt

Anillo aereo Coupling ring

elastico de caucho India-rubber buffer ring or washer

elastico de ajuste India-rubber adjusting ring

de captaci6n de la corriente Collector ring

de cierre End ring

de engrase Oil-throw ring

de guarnici6n de caucho Packing or rolling ring

de fondo Neck ring, bush

hendido de acoplamiento Split link, coupling-hook

de mica Mica ring, mica collar

roscado Threaded ring

de seguridad Safety ring

de tracci6n Strain ring

del tunel Tunnel ring

Antepecho de plataforma Platform wall

de ventanilla Window-sill

Anteproyecto Preliminary scheme

Anuncio de la llegada de un tren Back-signalling the train

de la salida de un tren Signalling the departure of a train

Antracita Anthracite, hard coal

Anular el flu jo en el inducido To destroy the armature flux

Apaga-chispas Spark extinguisher

Apagar la chispa To extinguish the spark

la chispa de ruptura To blow out the interruption spark

Aparato para agarrar la pertiga Contact-pole catcher or retriever

de alimentacion Feeding device

de arranque Starting switch, starter

de arranque automatic© Automatic starting-gear

de arranque de bastidor piano Frame starter

de arranque con enfriamiento de aire. . Air-cooled starter

de arranque con insercion gradual .... Starter with a number of steps

de arranque refrigerado por aceite Oil-cooled starter

de arranque y de regulation Combined starter and regulator

automatico para la conduction del fuego Automatic or mechanical starter

de block Block apparatus

de block de alcance Block instrument at crossing

de block de cuatro juegos de block . . . Quadruple block-field instrument

de block extreme Instrument at the end block station

de block intermedio Instrument at intermediate block station

de block de dos juegos de block Double block-field instrument

de block sistema Sykes Sykes block instrument

de cambio de marcha de baja presion. . Low-pressure valve gear

de calefaccion Heater, radiator

combinado de traction y de cheque . . . Combined draw and buffer gear

de comprobacion Control gear

para cargar carbones Mechanical coal-handling plant

para comprobar el aislamiento Insulation testing apparatus

para colocar petardos Torpedo placer

de conmutacion Intercepting arrangements

de contacto Contact apparatus

de cheque Buffer gear

de descarrilamiento Derailer

desconectador final 6 de fin de carrera . . End cut-out or disconnecting device

de desenganche 6 levantamiento Coupler lifting-gear

para desplazar los carriles Rail slewer

de detenci6n 6 de enclavamiento Closing mechanism

elastico de tope con balancin compensa- Equalising buffer with bell cranks and dor compensation rod

elevador Lifting apparatus

de enganche , Draw or draft gear

de enclavamiento con palancas hori- Wall lever machine zontalcs .


Aparato de enclavamiento con palancas Table lever machine


para enderezar los carriles Gauge-setting device

de inyeccion de agua en el cenicero .... Drenching or spraying apparatus for ash


inmovilizador del carril Railbrace

de maniobra Locking frame, interlocking machine

de maniobra de aire comprimido Pneumatic power plant

de maniobra de aire comprimido a baja Low-pressure pneumatic power plant presion

de maniobra con alambre transmisor . . Locking frame with wire gear

de maniobra con barras 6 vastagos . . . Locking frame for rod gear

de maniobra de contrapeso de movimi- Switch lever with horizontally moving ento counter- weight

de maniobra con contrapeso de retroceso Switch lever with reversing counter-weight

de maniobra de dos manivelas Double crank lock

de maniobra electrico All-electric power plant

de maniobra de fuerza motriz mecanica Power interlocking

de maniobra hidraulico Hydraulic power plant

de maniobra de la linterna Ground disc operating-gear

de maniobra de la serial Signal lock

de maniobra para senales y agujas . . . Interlocking frame or machine

mezclador Mixer, commingler

para medir el desgaste de los carriles . Wear-and-tear gauge

para montar ruedas Wheel-lifting jack

para probar canalizaciones Testing set, line tester

para probar las juntas de los carriles . Rail-bond tester

para probar la resistencia de los carriles Rail tester

de puesta a tierra con chorro de agua . Water-jet earthing device

receptor del baston Staff catcher

para recoger los sacos Mail-bag catcher

de registro Control gear

registrador de rotura de alambre Wire-breakage lock

de relleno del tender Tender-filling apparatus

para remachar las conexiones de los Rail-bond riveting device carriles

retardador Retarding mechanism

de retenida Catch arrangement, draw-spring stop

de rodadura Running gear

para secar el vapor Steam dryer

de suguridad contra la rotura de los Safety appliance for guarding against alambres breakage of wire

de senales Signalling apparatus

de sujecion , Fixing device

de sujecion en el centre Device for fixing in centre position

para taladrar Drilling apparatus

telegrafico de cuadrante Needle telegraph

telegrafico impresor Telegraphic ink-writer

telegrafico de Morse Morse telegraph apparatus

telegrafico de punta seca Relief writer

tensor independiente Self-contained compensator

tensor de palanca Lever compensator

tensor de dos piezas Double-wire compensator

tensor de una pieza Single-wire compensator

para timbrar billetes Ticket-stamping machine

de toma de corriente Current collector

de traccion Hauling-up device

de traccion de resorte Spring-draw gear

de traccion de rozamiento Friction draft gear

de traccion y de choque Draw and buffer gear

para la transmision de senales horarias Time-signalling device

transmisor del baston Staff deliverer

universal para medir las dimensiones de Track-measuring device la via

para verificar el perfil de los carriles . . Rail-section drawing instrument

de verter Coal tip, tipping plant


Aparejo Pulley block

Apartadero Branch terminal line, turn-out

automatic© para ruedas con reborde Self-acting turn-out for wheels with inside exterior 6 interior and outside flanges

automatic© para ruedas con reborde Self-acting turn-out for wheels with double doble flanges

de la via Shunting loop, switching track

Apartedero, via de Pit track

Apeadero Roadside station, halt

Apendice del tirafondo Stud

Apertura See Abertura

Apisonar el balasto To ram or stamp the ballast

el empedrado To beat or ram the pavement

Aplanamiento de las trincheras Flattening the slopes of a cutting

Aplanar el balasto To level the ballast

Aplastamiento de la cabeza del carril .... Crushing of the rail-head

Aplastar el alambre To jolt the wire

Aplicacion del bordon de la rueda contra la Striking of the flange against the rail

cabeza del carril

del sistema compound Compounding

Aplicar el arco To put the bow on, to apply the bow

la toma de corriente To press the current collector against

Apomazado Rubbing-down with pumice stone

Apoyo anular Annular supporting girder or supporting


de la caldera Boiler support

6 columna para la cubierta Roof column

de eje, caja para eje Axle bearing

elastico Elastic support

de la escuadra de cambio de direccion . Foundation for crank pedestal

para el gato Bearing piece for lifting-jack

de los durmientes 6 traviesas Supporting of the cross sleepers or cross- ties

6 montaje del arco Bearing of bow

Apretar 6 fijar el alambre de trabajo To clamp the contact wire

el boton del block To push the button

el freno To put on or apply the brake

el tubo por medio del aparato dudgeon To roll in the tube

las riostras 6 los tirantes verticales ... To screw in or insert the stay-bolt

las zapatas To apply the brake blocks

Apuntalamiento de la parte central .... English- Austrian method of timbering

Arandela amortiguadora del cheque del Piston stop washer


elastica Spring washer, elastic washer

de seguridad Locking washer

de caucho Rubber washer or gasket

de goma India-rubber block or packing
